This first section is for buyers, we will try to explain you everything you need to know before crawling our website.
Our digital platform Thegrandmafia.net functions as an ad site, sellers can place ads from their accounts for sale, while buyers can browse our platform to find an account that suits them and place a purchase request.In the end, you will have to proceed by our MMS services to finalize your transaction.

So how to buy an account ?


buy the grand mafia account

1 – Open thegrandmafia.net/shop and crawl accounts.

2 – Choose the account you want to purchase and click add to cartย 

3 – Once you placed your order, head over to the live chat to talk with an MMS, or just wait to be contacted by one of our mms to confirm your transaction and schedule a date/time to proceed for the sale.

4. Once the appointment comes, the MMS will get the account from the seller and provide screenshots & proofs, when the MMS ask you to pay the vendor you will have to do so, delivery of the account will take up to 48hours, after the MMS process, also please do not forget to leave us a review to share your experience, we appreciate feedbacks & reviews ๐Ÿ’œ

promote grand mafia account for sale
And this second section is for sellers, you need to know that we have a strict guideline and terms of uses inside TGMA platform.
To submit your account to sale on our directory, you need to be aware of the following points.

1 – All transactions need to be done by the official MMS of this website no external mms or direct sale between buyer/seller.
2 – Before posting your account make sure to hide the following informations on your screenshots : (Avatar / city / title / nickname / game chat) for the safety of your own account, and for any futur buyer on the platform.
3 – Go to your menu, Login – Dashboard – Accountsย 
Then press Add New TGM Account.

4 – Fill correctly our form,ย 
4.1 Stands for the main picture that will display your account for sale on our shop (put your fighting gear/ influence / kills)ย 
4.2 load inside all the secondary screenshots you have of your account for sale (crew skin, turf skin, investments, troops, inventory etc…)ย 

5 – Once you submit your account for sale on the platform moderators can verify that you don’t share any of the following details, your sale announce can be rejected due to that.
6 – its prohibited to share any contact information on the sale announce your doing inside thegrandmafia.net, you post your account for sale we handle what remain๐Ÿฑโ€๐Ÿ
7 – Once we have a buyer for your account, an MMS would contact you using discord, Facebook or per mail you will be invited to live chat on thegrandmafia.net to conclude your sale.

If you have any sort of question feel free to contact us,ย 
Live chat systemย 
[email protected]